Party A's current deposit is 600 yuan and Party B's current deposit is 2000 yuan. From this month, Party A will deposit 500 yuan and Party B will deposit 200 yuan, List the functional relationship between the deposit amount of Party A and Party B Y1 Y2 and the monthly deposit X Yuan, draw the function image, and talk about the points that Party A and Party B have passed?

Party A's current deposit is 600 yuan and Party B's current deposit is 2000 yuan. From this month, Party A will deposit 500 yuan and Party B will deposit 200 yuan, List the functional relationship between the deposit amount of Party A and Party B Y1 Y2 and the monthly deposit X Yuan, draw the function image, and talk about the points that Party A and Party B have passed?

According to the meaning of the question: a deposit amount Y1 = 600 + 500X image point (0600), (11100), two points can determine a straight line, B deposit amount y2 = 2000 + 200X image point (02000), (12200), two points can determine a straight line, hope to help you