The biggest waterfall in China is () the longest and oldest man-made canal in China is () The four ancient civilizations in the world are () China's first atomic bomb was successfully exploded at the Lop Nur test site in on The abbreviations of WTO UFO CCTV stand for () () () Which summer Olympic Games did China hold in 2008? The theme of this Olympic Games is "(), (), ()" and the slogan is "()". How many gold medals did China win in this Olympic Games?

The biggest waterfall in China is () the longest and oldest man-made canal in China is () The four ancient civilizations in the world are () China's first atomic bomb was successfully exploded at the Lop Nur test site in on The abbreviations of WTO UFO CCTV stand for () () () Which summer Olympic Games did China hold in 2008? The theme of this Olympic Games is "(), (), ()" and the slogan is "()". How many gold medals did China win in this Olympic Games?

The biggest waterfall in China is Huangguoshu waterfall. The longest and oldest man-made canal in China is Jinghang Canal
The four ancient civilizations in the world are (China) (ancient India) (ancient Egypt) (Babylon)
China's first atomic bomb was successfully exploded at Lop Nur experimental site on October 16, 1964
The abbreviations of WTO UFO CCTV respectively represent (World Trade Organization) (UFO) (closed circuit television or China Central Television)
In 2008, China held the 29th Summer Olympic Games. The theme of the Olympic Games is "Green Olympics", "high tech Olympics", "people's Olympics" and the slogan is "one world" (one dream) ". In this games, China has won 51 gold medals