1. Use 123 to form () different three digit numbers, The smallest one is (). 709 can be used to form () different two digit numbers, and the largest one is () 2. There are five different colors of coats and three different colors of trousers. If you want to match them, you can have () sets of different costumes at most

1. Use 123 to form () different three digit numbers, The smallest one is (). 709 can be used to form () different two digit numbers, and the largest one is () 2. There are five different colors of coats and three different colors of trousers. If you want to match them, you can have () sets of different costumes at most

1. 123 can be used to form (6) different three digit numbers, of which the smallest is (123). 709 can be used to form (4) different two digit numbers, of which the largest is (97)
2. There are five different colors of tops and three different colors of trousers. You can match them at will and have (15) different suits at most