39 out of 51, 20 out of 90 and 22 out of 44 480ml = () \ \ () l 2750g = () \ \ () kg vs. 4.5 and 19.4 The sum of the numerator and denominator of a minimalist fraction is 9. There are three fractions. Please fill in the brackets below ()\()<()\()<()\()

39 out of 51, 20 out of 90 and 22 out of 44 480ml = () \ \ () l 2750g = () \ \ () kg vs. 4.5 and 19.4 The sum of the numerator and denominator of a minimalist fraction is 9. There are three fractions. Please fill in the brackets below ()\()<()\()<()\()

The first one is 12 / 25, the second one is 11 / 4, and the third one turns 4.5 into 18 / 4, so 4.5