There are 100 natural numbers whose sum is even. Among these 100 natural numbers, the odd number is more than the even number. Q: how many even numbers are there at most?

There are 100 natural numbers whose sum is even. Among these 100 natural numbers, the odd number is more than the even number. Q: how many even numbers are there at most?

According to the parity of numbers, if there are 100 natural numbers, the number of odd numbers is more than that of even numbers, then there are at least 51 odd numbers and 49 even numbers. However, because the sum of 51 odd numbers is odd, and the sum of 49 even numbers and 100 natural numbers is odd, there must be even odd numbers in 100 natural numbers. Because the odd numbers are more than even numbers, there are only 48 even numbers at most There are 48 even numbers