21 is the smallest of several consecutive odd numbers, 32 is the largest of several even numbers. Nine odd and even numbers are known, and their sum is 241 How many odd and even numbers are there? Please make it clear, don't just give me numbers and equations, if so, please write the process.

21 is the smallest of several consecutive odd numbers, 32 is the largest of several even numbers. Nine odd and even numbers are known, and their sum is 241 How many odd and even numbers are there? Please make it clear, don't just give me numbers and equations, if so, please write the process.

Because the sum of the nine numbers is 241241, which is odd, the odd number is odd and the even number is even
241 - (21 + 23 + 25) = 172172 is not a multiple of 6, 241 - (21 + 23 + 25 + 27 + 29) = 116116 is a multiple of 4, 32 + 30 + 28 + 26 = 116
So there are five odd numbers and four even numbers