Primary school calculation problems, steps, problem-solving ideas, formula! 2 / 3kg of a certain pesticide diluted with water can be sprayed on 7 / 8 hectares of vegetable land. How many hectares of vegetable land can be sprayed on 1kg of such pesticide?

Primary school calculation problems, steps, problem-solving ideas, formula! 2 / 3kg of a certain pesticide diluted with water can be sprayed on 7 / 8 hectares of vegetable land. How many hectares of vegetable land can be sprayed on 1kg of such pesticide?

Now it's 2 / 3 kg and it can spray 7 / 8 hectares. You can see how many 2 / 3 and 7 / 8 there are in the current 1 kg. Divide 1 by 2 / 3 and multiply by 7 / 8