[math problem 2] chicken and rabbit are in the same cage. There are 100 legs of chicken and rabbit. If you change chicken into rabbit and rabbit into chicken, there are 86 legs. How many chickens and rabbits are there? Please use arithmetic. Or use the equation of degree 1, One more question: The Wutong tree planting tree, willow and poplar trees, 1800, planting trees, two more than willow, is 55% of Wutong tree, how many trees planted?

[math problem 2] chicken and rabbit are in the same cage. There are 100 legs of chicken and rabbit. If you change chicken into rabbit and rabbit into chicken, there are 86 legs. How many chickens and rabbits are there? Please use arithmetic. Or use the equation of degree 1, One more question: The Wutong tree planting tree, willow and poplar trees, 1800, planting trees, two more than willow, is 55% of Wutong tree, how many trees planted?

There are 12 chickens and 19 rabbits
990 / 0.55 = 1800 trees