During the May Day holiday, home appliance stores hold TV sales promotion activities. One of the color TV sets can make a profit of 200 yuan if it is sold at a 10% discount on the price. If it is sold at a 15% discount on the price, it will lose 75 yuan?

During the May Day holiday, home appliance stores hold TV sales promotion activities. One of the color TV sets can make a profit of 200 yuan if it is sold at a 10% discount on the price. If it is sold at a 15% discount on the price, it will lose 75 yuan?

Price: (200 + 75) / (90% - 85%) = 275 △ 0.05 = 5500 (yuan) purchase price: 5500 × 85% + 75 = 4675 + 75 = 4750 (yuan) a: the purchase price of this color TV is 4750 yuan