2. The original price of a commodity is 52 yuan, and the current price is 39 yuan. How much is the price reduction? 3. The electricity consumption of the school this month is 900 degrees, which is 10% less than that of last month 4. When a typist types a manuscript, the ratio of the number of pages typed on the first day to the total number is 1:10. If he type six more pages, he can finish 15% of the manuscript. How many pages does the manuscript have For the formula, just answer the fourth question

2. The original price of a commodity is 52 yuan, and the current price is 39 yuan. How much is the price reduction? 3. The electricity consumption of the school this month is 900 degrees, which is 10% less than that of last month 4. When a typist types a manuscript, the ratio of the number of pages typed on the first day to the total number is 1:10. If he type six more pages, he can finish 15% of the manuscript. How many pages does the manuscript have For the formula, just answer the fourth question

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