Xiaohong's home has a TV, a washing machine, two identical lamps and a refrigerator. They are connected in parallel. The working current is 250mA, 1.5A, 100mA and 320mA respectively. If the current in the trunk road is not allowed to exceed 3a, can these electrical appliances be used at the same time? Why?

Xiaohong's home has a TV, a washing machine, two identical lamps and a refrigerator. They are connected in parallel. The working current is 250mA, 1.5A, 100mA and 320mA respectively. If the current in the trunk road is not allowed to exceed 3a, can these electrical appliances be used at the same time? Why?

It can be used at the same time, because in parallel circuit, the voltage on the load is constant, the total current is equal to the sum of the branch currents, and the sum of the branch currents is less than 3a