There is a TV set, a refrigerator, an electric fan and two identical lamps in the home. Their working current is 150 respectively. There is a TV set and an ice cream in the home There is a TV set, a refrigerator, an electric fan and two identical lights in the home. Their working currents are 150 mA, 1.5 A, 300 Ma and 100 Ma respectively. If the current on the trunk road is not allowed to exceed 2.8 A, how many of the same lights can Nanwu use in this trunk road?

There is a TV set, a refrigerator, an electric fan and two identical lamps in the home. Their working current is 150 respectively. There is a TV set and an ice cream in the home There is a TV set, a refrigerator, an electric fan and two identical lights in the home. Their working currents are 150 mA, 1.5 A, 300 Ma and 100 Ma respectively. If the current on the trunk road is not allowed to exceed 2.8 A, how many of the same lights can Nanwu use in this trunk road?

There is still 0.75a space left in this trunk road, and it is better not to exceed 7 lights for 100mA