What figure can a circle, a straight line and two triangles form / what is the implication/

What figure can a circle, a straight line and two triangles form / what is the implication/

Well, I'll give you a bad idea~~~
A circle has an unbalanced line segment
There are two triangles A and B at both ends of the line
The area of triangle a is much larger than that of triangle B
The circle is very close to triangle a
We can think of this as a balance. However, the triangle a with a larger area (of course, it has a larger mass) is tilted high above, while the triangle with a smaller area (of course, it has a smaller mass) is sunk. What's the matter?
Originally, according to the lever principle, power arm * power = resistance arm * resistance
That is to say, although the mass of triangle a is greater than that of triangle B, its power arm is very small because the fulcrum circle is too close to triangle A. although the mass of triangle B is very small, its power arm is too long, so the balance tilts to the right, that is, to one side of triangle B
There are three implications of this principle, which vary according to personal understanding:
1. Fairness is always relative rather than absolute, so you should change your mind from time to time
2. We should develop our strengths and avoid our weaknesses. When we find our shortcomings, we should find effective ways to make up for them and defeat our opponents
3. Because the fulcrum is a circle, it means that it can move. Triangle B is better than triangle a because it moves to the far right after triangle a moves to the far left. Therefore, just like triangle a, we should seize the opportunity
I don't know if you can understand it?