Grade five science topic! High score! All clocks use () to control the rotation of the pointer connected with () The ancient Egyptians defined the night as () hours. With the change of time, the () and () of the shadow of an object in the sun will also change. Through the experiment, it is found that the number of times the pendulum swings back and forth per minute is related to (), has nothing to do with (), and has nothing to do with ().

Grade five science topic! High score! All clocks use () to control the rotation of the pointer connected with () The ancient Egyptians defined the night as () hours. With the change of time, the () and () of the shadow of an object in the sun will also change. Through the experiment, it is found that the number of times the pendulum swings back and forth per minute is related to (), has nothing to do with (), and has nothing to do with ().

1 'pendulum 2' gear
12 hours