In the triangle ABC, ADA is perpendicular to D, angle bad = a, angle CAD = B= sina.sinb + cosa.sinb

In the triangle ABC, ADA is perpendicular to D, angle bad = a, angle CAD = B= sina.sinb + cosa.sinb

1. The first thing to say is the proof in your question: sin (a + b)= sina.sinb + cosa.sinb It doesn't work. Just look up the trigonometric function. It should be sin (a + b)= sina.cosb + cosa.sinb .
2. Suppose be is perpendicular to AC, then sin (a + b) = be / ab. according to the triangle area formula, s = 0.5 * ac * be = 0.5 * BC * ad, be = ad * BC / AC,
So sin (a + b) = (ad * BC) / (AC * AB). You can get the rest by yourself