It is known that ABC is a three digit number, and the sum of the other five numbers composed of a, B and C is 3171. What is the most decimal of the six three digits Minimum number required

It is known that ABC is a three digit number, and the sum of the other five numbers composed of a, B and C is 3171. What is the most decimal of the six three digits Minimum number required

The sum of six three digits composed of a, B and C = 200A + 200B + 200C + 20A + 20b + 20c + 2A + 2B + 2C
The sum of the other five three digits composed of a, B and C is 3171,
3171 △ 222 = 14,63 plus 1593171 + 159 is a multiple of 222 (159 is ABC at this time)
So the sum of the six three digits composed of a, B and C = 3171 + 159 = 3330
So ABC = 3330-3171 = 159,
The three digit numbers are 159, 195, 519, 591, 915 and 951
The smallest of the six three digits is 159