First, the equations are listed to solve the application problems, and then according to the equations listed, an application problem of the travel problem is compiled, Do 48 per hour, B do 70 per hour, a first do an hour later, has been in cooperation with a, asked how many hours to complete the task? Seeking process

First, the equations are listed to solve the application problems, and then according to the equations listed, an application problem of the travel problem is compiled, Do 48 per hour, B do 70 per hour, a first do an hour later, has been in cooperation with a, asked how many hours to complete the task? Seeking process

Set B finished the task after X hours
There are many types of itinerary problems. Make up a similar one
Question: there are two places a and B, 48km apart. There are two cars a and B starting from a and B respectively, and they run in opposite directions. A travels 6km per hour, B travels 8km per hour. If a starts one hour earlier than B, how many hours can b meet a?