The formula calculation of two mathematical problems 1. The tallest animal in the world is giraffe. A giraffe is 5 meters tall, 2 / 3 higher than an elephant. How many meters is this elephant tall? 2. Dolphins can swim 70 kilometers per hour, 1 / 6 faster than southern whales. How many kilometers can Southern whales swim per hour?

The formula calculation of two mathematical problems 1. The tallest animal in the world is giraffe. A giraffe is 5 meters tall, 2 / 3 higher than an elephant. How many meters is this elephant tall? 2. Dolphins can swim 70 kilometers per hour, 1 / 6 faster than southern whales. How many kilometers can Southern whales swim per hour?

1. 1 + 2 / 3 = 5 / 3
5 △ 5 / 3 = 2 (m)
A: this elephant is 2 meters high
2. 1 + 1 / 6 = 7 / 6
70 △ 7 / 6 = 60 (km)
A: the southern whale can swim 60 kilometers per hour