Grade 5 Volume 1: 20 calculation questions and 10 application questions Application questions have answers, and calculation questions have answers

Grade 5 Volume 1: 20 calculation questions and 10 application questions Application questions have answers, and calculation questions have answers

3/7 × 49/9 - 4/3
8/9 × 15/36 + 1/27
12× 5/6 – 2/9 ×3
8× 5/4 + 1/4
6÷ 3/8 – 3/8 ÷6
4/7 × 5/9 + 3/7 × 5/9
5/2 -( 3/2 + 4/5 )
7/8 + ( 1/8 + 1/9 )
9 × 5/6 + 5/6
3/4 × 8/9 - 1/3
7 × 5/49 + 3/14
6 ×( 1/2 + 2/3 )
8 × 4/5 + 8 × 11/5
31 × 5/6 – 5/6
9/7 - ( 2/7 – 10/21 )
5/9 × 18 – 14 × 2/7
4/5 × 25/16 + 2/3 × 3/4
14 × 8/7 – 5/6 × 12/15
17/32 – 3/4 × 9/24
3 × 2/9 + 1/3
5/7 × 3/25 + 3/7
3/14 ×× 2/3 + 1/6
1/5 × 2/3 + 5/6
9/22 + 1/11 ÷ 1/2
5 / 3 × 11 / 5 + 4 / 3 1. A farm can harvest 50 tons of cotton in the first month and 40 tons in the second month. How much more cotton can be harvested in the first month than in the second month?
2. The road repair team originally planned to build 4.5 kilometers a day, but actually built 0.5 kilometers more than planned every day. What percentage of the planned road is actually built every day?
3. A car travels 75 kilometers per hour. In order to be in a hurry, now it travels 100 kilometers per hour. What percentage of speed has the car increased?
4. The first grade donated 3500 yuan, the second grade donated 500 yuan more than the first grade, and how much more than the first grade?
5. A factory uses 250 tons of water, which is 50 tons less than the original plan. What percentage of water saving does this factory use?
6. A farm receives 50 tons of cotton in the first month, and 1 / 5 more in the second month than in the first month. How many tons of cotton in the second month?
7. 450 mu of plough trees are planted in a mountain forest, which is 3 / 5 of that of apples. How many mu of apples are planted in this mountain forest?
8. Xiaojun typing 60 per minute, Xiaohong typing is 4 / 5 of Xiaojun, how many Xiaohong typing per minute?
9. Mr. Li and Mr. Zhang are making parts. Mr. Li can make 60 parts per hour, one fifth less than Mr. Zhang. How many parts can Mr. Zhang make per hour?
10. Lili has a total of 800 yuan of pocket money. She spent 3 / 8 of last semester and 1 / 5 of this semester. How much pocket money did she share between the two semesters?
11. There are 4800 books in the school library. The books on the first shelf account for 1 / 6 of the total, and the books on the second shelf account for 1 / 8 of the total. How many books are fewer on the second shelf than on the first shelf?
12, June 1 children's Day is coming, six (2) class to use class fee to buy gifts, buy a pen spent 2/5, buy a notebook with 1/6, buy two samples of the total 510 yuan, six (2) class original class how many yuan?
13. There are 48 students in class 6 (1) today, and 2 of them are absent. What's the attendance rate today?
14. This spring, the fifth grade students went to plant 380 seedlings, 160 more than the dead seedlings. What's the survival rate of these seedlings?
15. Mr. Zhang deposits 30000 yuan in the bank for three years with an annual interest rate of 3.54%. After three years, how much yuan can Mr. Zhang get back the principal and interest? (5% interest tax)
16. Uncle Li bought 50000 yuan of treasury bonds with an annual interest rate of 2.58%. How much interest can he get in five years?
17. On a map with a scale of 1:5000000, the distance between Ruian and Hangzhou is 9cm. A bus starts from Ruian to Hangzhou at a speed of 100km per hour. How many hours can the bus arrive in Hangzhou?
18. In a construction drawing with a scale of 1:2000, the length of a rectangular playground measured is 15.5cm and the width is 8.5cm. How many square meters is the actual area of the playground?
19. Draw a round part with a diameter of 2 cm on a scale of 8:1. What is the diameter of the part?
20. The school bought 5600 books and divided them into grade 6, grade 5 and grade 4 according to 4:3:1. How many books can these three grades get?
21. Last year, Lihong shoe factory made a profit of 650000 yuan, 1 / 12 more than this year. The profit of this year will be divided into two working groups according to the number of members. The first group has 18 members and the second group has 12 members. How many yuan can these two groups share out?
22. A batch of spare parts was originally planned to be finished in 18 days instead of 25 in a day. In order to finish the work ahead of time, now we are going to do 30 parts a day. How many days are we going to finish it now
23. A car can travel 410 kilometers in 5 hours. How many kilometers can a car travel in 12 hours at this speed
24 or 50 kg of peanut can squeeze 28 kg of peanut oil. How many tons of peanut do you need to squeeze 1.4 tons of peanut oil? (choose your own solution)
25. A road construction team originally planned to build 30 kilometers of roads in 20 days. In order to catch up with the progress, it is now building 0.5 kilometers more every day than before, and now it is completed several days ahead of the original? (choose your own solution)
26. Xiaohong spent 150 yuan on her birthday. Xiaojun spent 5 yuan less on her birthday than three times that of Xiaohong. How much did Xiaojun spend on her birthday
27. How many square decimeters of iron sheet is needed to make a cylindrical ventilation pipe with a diameter of 50cm and a length of 6m?
28. Add a 1 meter wide circular path outside a round flower bed with a diameter of 6 meters. How many square meters is the area of the path?
29. There is a roller with a diameter of 2 meters and a width of 3 meters, which can rotate 15 cycles per minute. How many square meters can this roller roll in an hour?
30. A cone-shaped rice pile has a circumference of 12.56 meters and a height of 3 meters. It weighs 560 kg per cubic meter of rice. How many tons does this pile weigh?
31. Put a fish in a cuboid fish tank which is 15 decimeters long, 8 decimeters wide and 6 decimeters deep. The water surface rises by 6 cm. How big is the fish?
32. Melt a cylindrical iron block with a radius of 10 decimeters and a height of 1.5 meters into a conical iron block with a diameter of 2 meters. How high is the cone?
33. Around the ceiling and walls of class 6 (2) classroom, the classroom is 8 meters long, 5 meters wide, 3 meters high, and the area of doors and windows is 12 square meters. It needs 1.2 kg of lime per square meter. How many kg of lime do you need to paint class 6 (2) classroom?