The general idea of ancient scholars for themselves

The general idea of ancient scholars for themselves

According to the Analects of Confucius, Confucius once said with great emotion: "scholars of ancient times are for themselves, and scholars of today are for people." (Xianwen) according to Xunzi's interpretation, the so-called "learning for oneself" means that "learning" should be implemented in one's own words and deeds. "Learning" is to improve one's personality. The "learning" of "learning for people" is just "entering the ear, out of the mouth", This kind of "learning" is just to show others, but has nothing to do with the perfection of one's personality. Whether to put "learning" into practice or not becomes the fundamental difference between "learning for oneself" and "learning for others". Confucius thinks that students should be consistent in words and deeds, act when they know what they have learned, and act when they have learned. This also shows that Confucius attaches great importance to practice and takes it as the standard to judge students