From the atomic structure and bonding characteristics of carbon atom, this paper illustrates the reason why carbon can form various substances Be specific, but don't use the whole paragraph

From the atomic structure and bonding characteristics of carbon atom, this paper illustrates the reason why carbon can form various substances Be specific, but don't use the whole paragraph

C is the sixth element in the periodic table (the fourth main group in the second period). The valence electron is 4, so it can form covalent bonds with many non-metallic elements. For example, CH4, CO2, Co, CS2, CCl4, and so on. As for the organic part, there are more. I don't know if LZ you want to ask about the bonding mode of carbon or other ways. The bonding mode is an elective part of the material structure, so you should not have learned it in grade one, For example: CH4, the valence electron is (4 + 1 * 4) / 2 = 4, so it is SP3 hybrid, tetrahedral; CO2, the valence electron is (4 + 0 * 4) / 2 = 2, so it is SP hybrid, linear. In general, there are four valence electrons around son C, so it is easy to combine with other elements to form stable molecules