A power calculation problem! Can you confirm the last number of 3 to the power of 2008? Please give your reasons and calculate the following questions 1. (- 0.125 to the power of 2007) * (- 8 to the power of 2008) 2. (- 2 to the power of 2001) + (- 2 to the power of 2000) 3. Two thirds to the fifth power * (- three thirds to the fifth power) 4. The opposite number of four fifths power of 2008 * (- five fifths power of 2008)

A power calculation problem! Can you confirm the last number of 3 to the power of 2008? Please give your reasons and calculate the following questions 1. (- 0.125 to the power of 2007) * (- 8 to the power of 2008) 2. (- 2 to the power of 2001) + (- 2 to the power of 2000) 3. Two thirds to the fifth power * (- three thirds to the fifth power) 4. The opposite number of four fifths power of 2008 * (- five fifths power of 2008)

The mantissa of 3 to the power of are to 5
2008 / 4 = 502 integer division, indicating that the mantissa is 1
1、 =1*(-8)=-8
2、 =-(-2)~2000
3、 =-1
4、 =(-25/16)~2008