Seeking 20 problems of integral simplification and evaluation in the first semester of junior high school!

Seeking 20 problems of integral simplification and evaluation in the first semester of junior high school!

2X - [6-2 (X-2)] where x = - 2
2. (5a + 2a2-3-4a3) - (- A + 3a3-a2), where a = - 2
3. (2m2n + 2mn2) - [2 (m2n-1) + 2mn2 + 2], where M = - 2, n = 2
4. (5a + 2a2-3-4a3) - (- A + 3a3-a2), where a = - 2
5. (2m2n + 2mn2) - [2 (m2n-1) + 2mn2 + 2], where M = - 2, n = 2
3 (AB + BC) - 3 (AB AC) - 4ac-3bc, where a = 2001 / 2002, B = 1 / 3, C = 1
7. (3xy + 10Y) + [5x - (2XY + 2y-3x)] where xy = 2, x + y = 3
8. Given a = - 2, B = - 1, C = 3, find the value of the algebraic formula 5abc-2a2b + [3ABC - (4ab2-a2b)]
2 (A2B + AB2) - [2ab2 - (1-a2b)] - 2, where a = - 2, B = 0.5
10. (- 3x2-4y) - (2x2-5y + 6) + (x2-5y-1) where x = - 3, y = - 1
10 is enough? I really don't have the strength to look for it~