Let a and B be two independent events that cannot happen at the same time In an event, the probability of occurrence of a and B is 30%. A and B are independent of each other and cannot occur at the same time. What are the percentages of occurrence probability of a and B? What is the formula? A and B are mutually exclusive, that is to say, after a occurs, B does not occur, and B occurs, then a does not occur, so the probability of occurrence of a or B can not be 30%. If it is still 30%, then the total probability of occurrence of a or B should be 60%, and the probability of both not occurring is only 40%, which is obviously wrong

Let a and B be two independent events that cannot happen at the same time In an event, the probability of occurrence of a and B is 30%. A and B are independent of each other and cannot occur at the same time. What are the percentages of occurrence probability of a and B? What is the formula? A and B are mutually exclusive, that is to say, after a occurs, B does not occur, and B occurs, then a does not occur, so the probability of occurrence of a or B can not be 30%. If it is still 30%, then the total probability of occurrence of a or B should be 60%, and the probability of both not occurring is only 40%, which is obviously wrong

AB cannot happen at the same time
The probability of occurrence of a is 30%, and the probability of non occurrence is 70%
The probability of occurrence of B is 30%, and the probability of non occurrence is 70%
Obviously, there are three cases: A, B and ab
So the probability of none happening is the same
The probability is 30 / 30 + 30 + 70 = 23%
B is the same