Party A and Party B start from ab at different speeds at the same time and travel in opposite directions. They meet on the way. The meeting point is 60 meters away from A. after meeting, the two vehicles continue to travel in the same direction Go forward, return immediately after reaching the destination, and meet again on the way. The meeting point is 40 meters away from city A. how many meters away is the meeting point from city B at the first meeting?

Party A and Party B start from ab at different speeds at the same time and travel in opposite directions. They meet on the way. The meeting point is 60 meters away from A. after meeting, the two vehicles continue to travel in the same direction Go forward, return immediately after reaching the destination, and meet again on the way. The meeting point is 40 meters away from city A. how many meters away is the meeting point from city B at the first meeting?

The first time they met, they took a total journey, and the second time they met, they took a total of three journeys
A is 60 kilometers away from a, which means that a has traveled 60 kilometers in a whole journey
Therefore, a total line: 60 × 3 = 180
The whole process is: (60 * 3 + 40) △ 2 = 110m
So when we first met, the meeting point was 50 meters away from city B