Why is acceleration in meters per second Why does the formula for calculating acceleration use half of the difference between the final velocity and the initial velocity

Why is acceleration in meters per second Why does the formula for calculating acceleration use half of the difference between the final velocity and the initial velocity

Why is acceleration in meters per second
Dimension operation. In physics, units can also be operated (there are 7 basic units. Note that dimension operation has no addition or subtraction, only multiplication or division). The definition of speed is displacement / time, the unit of displacement is meter, and the unit of time is second, so the unit of speed is meter / second; the definition of acceleration is speed / time, so its unit is speed unit / time, that is meter / second / second, Simplification is m / S ^ 2, which is a good rule. You can use it to test when you are doing a question
Why is the formula for calculating acceleration calculated by half of the difference between the final velocity and the initial velocity
The definition of velocity is: the displacement changing in unit time / the displacement changing in unit time (the unit time is generally SI unit s) is the final displacement minus the initial displacement
The definition of acceleration is: the velocity changing in unit time / the displacement changing in unit time is the final velocity minus the initial velocity
And then you don't understand why the formula for calculating acceleration is based on half of the difference between the final velocity and the initial velocity, right... The reason is very simple... You remember wrong... Half of the difference between the final velocity and the initial velocity is based on the average velocity···
You can check it with the dimension
Left: acceleration (M / S ^ 2), right: half of the difference between the final velocity and the initial velocity (M / s)
The units on the left and right sides are different... The equation does not hold···
The concept of dimensional operation is only taught in senior high school. I hope it will help you