It is known that the value range of the function y = log with the base of 0.5 (x ^ 2-2x + a) is r, and the value range of a is obtained

It is known that the value range of the function y = log with the base of 0.5 (x ^ 2-2x + a) is r, and the value range of a is obtained

In the logarithmic function y = log (a is the bottom) x, when x > 0, the range is r
And y = log with 0.5 as the base (x ^ 2-2x + a) is r,
It shows that the logarithm (x ^ 2-2x + a) can take any value > 0, otherwise some values of y value will be missing;
And x ^ 2-2x + a = (x-1) ^ 2 + A-1 ≥ A-1
To (x ^ 2-2x + a) guarantee to get any value > 0, there should be: