Suppose that the image of quadratic function f (x) = (x + 1) ^ 2 + M-1 has three different intersections with the two coordinate axes, 1 is used to find the value range of real number M 1. Find the value range of real number M 2. Let the circle passing through three intersections be C, and find the equation of circle C Method of solving

Suppose that the image of quadratic function f (x) = (x + 1) ^ 2 + M-1 has three different intersections with the two coordinate axes, 1 is used to find the value range of real number M 1. Find the value range of real number M 2. Let the circle passing through three intersections be C, and find the equation of circle C Method of solving

1) And y-axis intersection: x = 0, then y = f (0) = M
The point of intersection with x-axis is the zero point, which is X1 = - 1 + √ (1-m), X2 = - 1 - √ (1-m)
If there are three intersections, then the two zeros are different real roots, so if 1-m > 0, M is obtained