It is known that the parabola y = MX2 - (3m + 4 / 3) x + 4 intersects the X axis at points a and B, and intersects the Y axis at point C (1) Find the coordinates of three points a, B and C (one of them can be expressed by an algebraic expression containing m) (2) If △ ABC is an isosceles triangle, find the analytical formula of parabola There are four situations in the second question

It is known that the parabola y = MX2 - (3m + 4 / 3) x + 4 intersects the X axis at points a and B, and intersects the Y axis at point C (1) Find the coordinates of three points a, B and C (one of them can be expressed by an algebraic expression containing m) (2) If △ ABC is an isosceles triangle, find the analytical formula of parabola There are four situations in the second question

Using root formula
It is concluded that x = [3M + 4 / 3 addition and subtraction √ (3m-4 / 3) ^ 2] / (2m)
When 3m-4 / 3 > 0
A(3,0) B(4/(3m),0) C(0,4)
When 3m-4 / 3