Is Dirichlet function continuous almost everywhere on R? I know it's discontinuous everywhere. Is it continuous almost everywhere in real change?

Is Dirichlet function continuous almost everywhere on R? I know it's discontinuous everywhere. Is it continuous almost everywhere in real change?

F (x) = 0 (x is irrational) or 1 (x is rational)
Basic properties
1. The definition field is the whole real number field R
2. The range is {0,1}
3. The function is even
4. Unable to draw function image
5. Take any positive rational number as its period (it is known from the continuum theory of real number that it has no minimum positive period)
Analytical properties
1. Discontinuous everywhere
2. No guidance everywhere
3. Riemann is not integrable in any interval
4. Functions are measurable functions
5. On the unit interval [0,1], Lebesgue is integrable, and the Lebesgue integral value is 0 (and the Lebesgue integral value on any interval (whether the interval is open, closed or not) is 0)
Function period
Dirichlet function is a periodic function, but it has no minimum positive period