In the "urban and rural cleaning project", an environmental sanitation team rents a number of vehicles with a carrying capacity of 8 tons to transport a batch of construction waste. If each vehicle only contains 4 tons, then 20 tons of construction waste is left; if each vehicle is full of 8 tons, then the last vehicle is not empty. How many vehicles does the environmental sanitation team rent?

In the "urban and rural cleaning project", an environmental sanitation team rents a number of vehicles with a carrying capacity of 8 tons to transport a batch of construction waste. If each vehicle only contains 4 tons, then 20 tons of construction waste is left; if each vehicle is full of 8 tons, then the last vehicle is not empty. How many vehicles does the environmental sanitation team rent?

If there are x cars, there are (4x + 20) tons of goods. From the meaning of the title, we get 0 < (4x + 20) - 8 (x-1) < 8, and the solution is 5 < x < 7. ∵ x is a positive integer, ∵ x = 6