A subway train starts from a station at rest and moves along a straight line. First, it accelerates uniformly with the acceleration A1, then decelerates uniformly with the acceleration A2. When it arrives at station B, it just stops. If the distance between the two stations is x, find the time t

A subway train starts from a station at rest and moves along a straight line. First, it accelerates uniformly with the acceleration A1, then decelerates uniformly with the acceleration A2. When it arrives at station B, it just stops. If the distance between the two stations is x, find the time t

If we draw a V-T diagram by ourselves, we can form a closed triangle whose area is equal to the displacement. Suppose that the angle between the line segment with uniform acceleration A1 and the x-axis is θ, the angle between the line segment with uniform deceleration A2 and the x-axis is β, and the maximum velocity is V (the y-axis coordinate of the triangle vertex)