The distance between the two trains is D, and they are running at the speed of V1 and V2. There is a carrier pigeon flying at the speed of V3 between the two trains. When the pigeon meets train a at the speed of V3, it immediately turns around and flies to train B, and when it meets train B, it immediately turns around and flies to train A. so when the distance between the two trains is D, it becomes zero. How many distances has the pigeon flown?

The distance between the two trains is D, and they are running at the speed of V1 and V2. There is a carrier pigeon flying at the speed of V3 between the two trains. When the pigeon meets train a at the speed of V3, it immediately turns around and flies to train B, and when it meets train B, it immediately turns around and flies to train A. so when the distance between the two trains is D, it becomes zero. How many distances has the pigeon flown?

Carrier pigeon travel time is equal to two trains meet time
The meeting time is t = D / (V1 + V2)
So the total distance is s = v3t = V3 * D / (V1 + V2)