1. A, B and c run the 100 meter race (assuming their speed remains the same). When a reaches the finish line, B is still 20 meters short, and C is 25 meters away. How many meters short is C when B reaches the finish line? 2. The walking speed ratio of Party A and Party B is 13:11. If Party A and Party B start from a and B at the same time and walk in opposite directions, they meet in two hours. If they walk in the same direction, how many hours will it take for Party A to catch up with Party B?

1. A, B and c run the 100 meter race (assuming their speed remains the same). When a reaches the finish line, B is still 20 meters short, and C is 25 meters away. How many meters short is C when B reaches the finish line? 2. The walking speed ratio of Party A and Party B is 13:11. If Party A and Party B start from a and B at the same time and walk in opposite directions, they meet in two hours. If they walk in the same direction, how many hours will it take for Party A to catch up with Party B?

V A: V B: V C = 100:80:75
So 75 / 80 times 100 = 93.75 (m)
So C is still 6.25m away
(2) Let the speed ratio be K
So AB is (13 + 11) x2 = 48K
So 48K / (13-11) k is needed
=24 hours
So it takes 24 hours for a to catch up with B