1. A bookshelf has two layers. If 60 books are borrowed from the upper layer, the books on the upper layer are 20% more than those on the lower layer. It is known that there are 240 original books on the upper layer, but how many books are there on the lower layer? 2. The perimeter of a round desktop is 4.71 meters. A glass plate of the same size as the desktop should be placed on the desktop. What's the area of this glass plate? (the number should be kept to one decimal place)

1. A bookshelf has two layers. If 60 books are borrowed from the upper layer, the books on the upper layer are 20% more than those on the lower layer. It is known that there are 240 original books on the upper layer, but how many books are there on the lower layer? 2. The perimeter of a round desktop is 4.71 meters. A glass plate of the same size as the desktop should be placed on the desktop. What's the area of this glass plate? (the number should be kept to one decimal place)

1. There are 240 books in the upper layer, 60 out, and 180 left. At this time, there are x books in the lower layer
Then (180-x) / x = 20%
The solution is x = 150
2. Let R be the radius
(2) Area = π (square of R)
(1) Divide by (2)
Area = 1.8