The bottom of a carton without cover is a square with an area of 100cm and height of 15cm. Put a wooden stick in the carton and the stick is 2cm out of the carton. Find the value range of the total length of the stick

The bottom of a carton without cover is a square with an area of 100cm and height of 15cm. Put a wooden stick in the carton and the stick is 2cm out of the carton. Find the value range of the total length of the stick

The minimum value is when the stick is vertical in the box, that is 15 + 2 = 17
The maximum value is when the stick is diagonally placed in the box, l = √ (10 & # 178; + 10 & # 178; + 15 & # 178;) + 2
Tick (10 & # 178; + 10 & # 178; + 15 & # 178;) refers to the root of (10 & # 178; + 10 & # 178; + 15 & # 178;)