As shown in the figure, in square ABCD, its side length is 1, P is the midpoint of CD, and point q is on the line BC. When BQ is what value, △ ADP is similar to △ QCP?

As shown in the figure, in square ABCD, its side length is 1, P is the midpoint of CD, and point q is on the line BC. When BQ is what value, △ ADP is similar to △ QCP?

When ADCP = dpcq, BQ = 34, ∠ d = ∠ C, so △ ADP is similar to △ QCP. When ADCP = DPCP, BQ = 0, △ ADP is similar to △ QCP. Therefore, when BQ = 34 or 0, it can be judged that △ ADP is similar to △ QCP