Interesting math story 20 words

Interesting math story 20 words

Mathematicians fall in love
The mathematician was walking in the park with his girlfriend. She asked him, "I'm freckled. Do you really mind?"
The mathematician replied gently, "absolutely not! I was born with the decimal point."
Circle of love
A young man and a young woman were sitting on the beach. The young man drew a circle on the ground and said, "my love for you, like this circle, never ends."
Young women also use their fingers to draw a circle on the ground, and then said: "my love for you, there will never be a starting point."
One of my friend's friends had a few drinks at a time in the restaurant. It's almost an hour since the opening hours
At that time, the great Xia said something shocking
That's what he said. "Don't mess with me, or I'll blow you out of the picture."
fire control
One day, the mathematician felt that he had had enough of mathematics, so he went to the fire brigade to announce that he wanted to be a firefighter. The fire chief said, "you look good, but I have to give you a test first."
The fire chief took the mathematician to the fire brigade's backyard alley, where there was a warehouse, a fire hydrant and a coil of hose. The fire chief asked, "suppose the warehouse was on fire, what would you do?" the mathematician replied, "I'll connect the fire hydrant to the hose, turn on the hose and put out the fire."
The fire chief said, "absolutely right! The last question: suppose you go into an alley and the warehouse doesn't catch fire, what will you do?" the mathematician pondered for a long time, Finally, he said, "I'll light the warehouse." the fire chief yelled, "what? It's terrible! Why do you light the warehouse?" the mathematician replied, "I'll reduce the problem to a problem I've solved."
Humor of mathematicians
A statistician met a mathematician. The statistician teased the mathematician and said:
Don't you say if x = y and y = Z, then x = Z! So if you like a girl, then the boy that the girl likes will also like you“
The mathematician thought for a moment and asked
So you put your left hand in a pot of boiling water, and your right hand in a pot of zero degree ice water. It's OK, because they are only 50 degrees on average“
Lie detector
Dad has a lie detector. He asks his son, "how are you doing in math today?"
The son replied, "90." the polygraph went off
The son said, "70 points." the polygraph still rang
My father was very angry and said, "I used to score above 90." at this time, the polygraph didn't go off but turned over
The professor is a kind and humorous old man. There is a tall and strong PE student in the class. Every time the professor's voice rings, the PE students begin to sleep until they wake up on time after class
One day, the P.E. student was late. The professor kindly said to him, "Jack, please don't be late in the future. It will affect your normal sleep."
My son is three years old. He knows how to count from one to ten, and he knows that five is bigger than one
Once, I took a piece of chocolate in my left hand and two pieces of chocolate in my right hand and asked him, "which side is more?". My son didn't answer, so I continued to ask patiently. My son suddenly burst into tears and said, "there are few on both sides!"
The use of logic
A student asked Einstein what the use of logic was
Einstein asked him: "two people climb out of the chimney, one is covered with soot, the other is clean. Which one do you think should take a bath?"
"The dirty one, of course," said the student
"No. the dirty one sees the other side clean and thinks he won't be dirty. Where will he take a bath?"
Job hunting
Chen Liyan went to apply for a job. The manager asked him, "how much salary do you want for one year?"
"With my ability, I should be worth 18000 yuan a year," Chen said
The manager looked at him for a while before he said, "it's worth 18000 yuan a year. Have you calculated it clearly? There are only 365 days in a year. If you spend eight hours sleeping every day, it will take 122 days in a year. In addition, you have eight hours of rest and entertainment every day except mountain work, that is, there are 122 days in a year. So, 243 days minus 121 days, there are only 121 days left. However, there are 52 weeks in total, On Sundays, there is no work, so 121 days minus 52 days leaves 69 days. At the same time, every Saturday afternoon is a holiday, so there are 26 days in a year, So 69 days minus 26 days leaves 43 days. Then minus the two-week annual leave given by the company, there are only 29 days left. Don't forget to have one hour lunch every day, that is, 15 days in a year. 29 minus 15 leaves 14 days. Then there are 10 days of public holidays, such as new year, old year, Mid Autumn Festival, Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas. That is to say, only 4 days of work a year. Do you think it's worth 18000 yuan? "
Said the professor
One day, a professor suddenly stopped teaching and said to everyone earnestly:
If the students sitting in the middle of the conversation can be as quiet as the students sitting behind playing cards, then the students sleeping in front will not be disturbed
Ticket checking
The old professor was travelling by train. When the conductor came to check the ticket, he couldn't find it. The old professor was so anxious that he was sweating. The conductor said: if you can't find it, just make up for it
Old professor: how can I? If I can't find the ticket, I don't know where I'm going!
The mystery of inscriptions
Diao fandu, a famous mathematician of Alexandria in ancient Greece, is only known as a man of the third century A.D. his age and life history are not clearly recorded. However, one or two can be found on his tombstone, and it tells people that he is 84 years old
Diao fandu's tombstone is like this:
If you understand the mystery of the inscription, it will tell you the life span of Diao fandu. One sixth of the life given to him by the gods was childhood. After another one twelfth of his life, he grew a beard. Later, Diao fandu got married, but he had no children. In this way, he spent another one seventh of his life. After another five years, he got his first son. However, his beloved son died early, only half of Diao fandu's life span, After the death of his son, he sought solace in mathematics research, spent another four years, and finally ended his life
Q & A
Teacher: "I give students two questions, who as long as answer the first question, do not ask him to answer the second question. Now I ask the first question: who knows how many hairs do you have?"
Xiao Li: "I know. I have 99999 hairs."
Teacher: "how do you know?"
Xiao Li: "teacher, this is the second question. You can't ask me to answer it."
Paradox problem
I'm discussing a paradox with my classmates: the only barber in the village must cut the hair of the people who don't cut their hair every month. It's hard to ask who cuts the barber's head. If the barber cuts his hair, he will cut the hair of the people who don't cut his hair. If the barber doesn't cut his hair, he won't cut the hair of the people who don't cut his hair. It's so abstruse! The discussion for a long time is fruitless
Qian, a classmate in the back row, put in a sentence: "it's not easy. The barber is bald!"
How many times?
The teacher asked in class, "how many wars did Spain have in the 15th century?"
"Six times." a student answered quickly
"Which six times?" the teacher asked again
"The first, the second, the third, the fourth, the fifth and the sixth."
There are two kinds of mathematicians in the world: those who can count and those who can't count
There are two kinds of people in the world: one believes, and the other doesn't
There are two kinds of people in the world: one can be classified as one of the two, and the other can't