A certain organic compound A is composed of C, h and O. under certain conditions, the conversion relationship among a, B, C, D and E is as follows: it is known that the vapor density of C is 22 times higher than that of hydrogen under the same conditions, and silver mirror reaction can occur. (1) the name of the functional group in substance D is______ The structure formula of substance e is______ (2) write out the chemical equation to realize the following transformation: ① a → B______ ,②A+O 2 →C______ ③ The reaction equation of C with silver ammonia solution______ .

A certain organic compound A is composed of C, h and O. under certain conditions, the conversion relationship among a, B, C, D and E is as follows: it is known that the vapor density of C is 22 times higher than that of hydrogen under the same conditions, and silver mirror reaction can occur. (1) the name of the functional group in substance D is______ The structure formula of substance e is______ (2) write out the chemical equation to realize the following transformation: ① a → B______ ,②A+O 2 →C______ ③ The reaction equation of C with silver ammonia solution______ .

Suppose the score of the 9th shooting is X-ring, according to the meaning of the question: 72 + X + 10 & gt; 89, we can get X & gt; 7. Because x is a positive integer and greater than 7, we can get x ≥ 8