According to the law of conservation of mass, the chemical formula of C in 2Ab + B2 = 2C is () A. ABB. AB2C. A2BD. A2B2

According to the law of conservation of mass, the chemical formula of C in 2Ab + B2 = 2C is () A. ABB. AB2C. A2BD. A2B2

According to the chemical equation 2Ab + B2 = 2c, the number of a and B atoms in the reactant is 2 and 4 respectively, and the number of a and B atoms in the product after reaction is 0 and 0 respectively. According to the type and number of atoms before and after reaction, 2C contains 2 a atoms and 4 B atoms, and each C molecule is composed of 1 a atom and 2 B atoms, so the chemical formula of substance x is AB2