Higher number -- the idea of proving the limit of sequence by definition ”Let {xn} be a sequence of numbers. If there is a constant a, for any given positive number ε (no matter how small it is), there is always a positive integer n, so that when n > N, the inequality | xn-a | n "can be described in language, what it stands for

Higher number -- the idea of proving the limit of sequence by definition ”Let {xn} be a sequence of numbers. If there is a constant a, for any given positive number ε (no matter how small it is), there is always a positive integer n, so that when n > N, the inequality | xn-a | n "can be described in language, what it stands for

It means that the limit of a sequence has nothing to do with the preceding term, and only needs to satisfy that | xn-a | after a certain term is sufficiently small
For example:
Sequence A1, A2 ,an,an+1,… Sum sequence an + 1, an + 2 The limit of is the same (if the limit exists)