The least common multiple of the three primes is 42. The three primes are () The maximum odd number that can be divided by 3 and 7 at the same time within 100 is (), and the maximum even number is () The maximum divisor of a number is a, and its minimum multiple is () The greatest common divisor of all even numbers is (), and the greatest common divisor of all odd numbers is ()

The least common multiple of the three primes is 42. The three primes are () The maximum odd number that can be divided by 3 and 7 at the same time within 100 is (), and the maximum even number is () The maximum divisor of a number is a, and its minimum multiple is () The greatest common divisor of all even numbers is (), and the greatest common divisor of all odd numbers is ()

The least common multiple of the three primes is 42. The three primes are (2, 3, 7)
The maximum odd number that can be divisible by 3 and 7 within 100 is (63), and the maximum even number is (84)
The maximum divisor of a number is a, and its minimum multiple is (a)
The greatest common divisor of all even numbers is (2), and the greatest common divisor of all odd numbers is (1)