On the operation of exponent and exponential power 1. Evaluation or simplification: Root (5 + (2 root 6)) + root (7 - (4 root 3)) - root (6 - (4 root 2)) 2. Given x = (1 / 2) (radical a / B + radical B / a) (a > 0, b > 0), find the value of the following formula: (2B times root ((x ^ 2) - 1)) / (x-root ((x ^ 2) - 1)

On the operation of exponent and exponential power 1. Evaluation or simplification: Root (5 + (2 root 6)) + root (7 - (4 root 3)) - root (6 - (4 root 2)) 2. Given x = (1 / 2) (radical a / B + radical B / a) (a > 0, b > 0), find the value of the following formula: (2B times root ((x ^ 2) - 1)) / (x-root ((x ^ 2) - 1)

1. Root (7 - (4 root 3)) = root ((root 3-2) ^ 2) = root 3-2,
Root (6 - (4 root 2)) = root ((2-root 2) ^ 2) = 2-root 2,
Root (5 + (2 root 6)) = root ((root 3 + root 2) ^ 2) = root 3 + root 2,
So the original formula = 2 (radical 3 + radical 2)
Wait, I'll think about it
Yes, root (x ^ 2-1) = 1 / 2 * absolute value (root a / b-root B / a)
X ^ 2-1 = 1 / 4 * (radical a / b-radical B / a) ^ 2
The rest is to simplify
It seems that we can't work out the exact straight line~
You try. I can't figure it out~