What is polynomial ascending and descending power permutation

What is polynomial ascending and descending power permutation

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Ascending and descending are meaningless, only when the ascending and descending power of a letter (or number) is specified
The ascending power (descending power) arrangement of a letter (number) refers to the arrangement from high power to low power (from low power to high power) according to the power of the letter (number). If the letter (number) is not included, it is the 0 power of the letter (number). The power refers to the power of the letter (number)
For example, the polynomial you mentioned is arranged according to the descending power of X
The third power of X + the second power of X + X + y + the second power of Y + the fourth power of Y The last three terms do not contain x, that is, the order of X to the power of 0 can be interchanged. By the way, this formula is still arranged according to the ascending power of Y
On the contrary, the formula is as follows according to the ascending power of X:
The fourth power of Y + the second power of Y + y + X + the second power of X + the third power of X Similarly, the first three terms do not return x, that is, the order of X to the power of 0 can be interchanged. By the way, this formula is still arranged according to the descending power of Y
In general, if there are two letters in a polynomial, and you are required to arrange them according to the ascending or descending power of one letter, then the other letter is generally arranged in the opposite way. This is a habit. Of course, it is not necessary to abide by it, but it is best to abide by it, so that the idea of solving the problem will be clear, and it is not easy to miss a certain item