It is known that the sum of the first n terms of sequence {an} is Sn = n & sup2; + 2n (1) the general term formula of sequence an (2) TN = 1 / A1A2 + 1 / a2a3 + 1 / a3a4 +... + 1 / ana

It is known that the sum of the first n terms of sequence {an} is Sn = n & sup2; + 2n (1) the general term formula of sequence an (2) TN = 1 / A1A2 + 1 / a2a3 + 1 / a3a4 +... + 1 / ana

(1)Sn=n2+2nan=Sn-S(n-1)=n2+2n-[(n-1)2+2(n-1)]=2n+1(2)1/ana(n+1)=1/(2n+1)(2n+3)=[1/(2n+1)-1/(2n+3)]/2∴Tn=[1/3-1/5+1/5-1/7+1/7-1/9+…… +1/(2n+1)-1/(2n+3)]/2=[1/3-1/(2n+3)]/2=n/[3(2n+3)]