According to the design requirements, the distance between the transmission tower P and two towns a and B must be equal, and the distance between the transmission tower P and two expressways m and N must also be equal. Please make the location of the transmission tower P in the drawing. (ruler drawing, do not write the method, keep the trace of drawing.)

According to the design requirements, the distance between the transmission tower P and two towns a and B must be equal, and the distance between the transmission tower P and two expressways m and N must also be equal. Please make the location of the transmission tower P in the drawing. (ruler drawing, do not write the method, keep the trace of drawing.)

Let two highways intersect at point O. P is the intersection of the vertical bisector of line AB and the bisector of ∠ mon or the bisector of ∠ QON, which is the position of the launching tower. As shown in the figure, there are two points meeting the conditions, namely P and P '