Buoyancy formula

Buoyancy formula

The buoyancy formula is summarized as follows:
(1) F = g – f
Unit of physical quantity
F buoyancy -- buoyancy n
G -- gravity n of the object
F -- the reading n of the spring Dynamometer when the object is immersed in the liquid
(2) F floating = g (hint: when the object is floating or suspended)
Unit of physical quantity
F buoyancy -- buoyancy n
G -- gravity n of the object
(3) F = ρ GV row
Unit of physical quantity
F buoyancy -- buoyancy n
ρ - density kg / m3
V row -- volume of liquid discharged by objects, M3
G = 9.8n/kg, g = 10N / kg for rough calculation
(4) F floating = g row = m row G
G row -- the gravity n of the liquid in the row
M row -- the mass of liquid discharged by the object, kg