Add 1 from - 55 to get a series of integers, - 54, - 53, - 52 Excuse me: (1) what is the 100th integer? (2) What is the sum of these 100 integers?

Add 1 from - 55 to get a series of integers, - 54, - 53, - 52 Excuse me: (1) what is the 100th integer? (2) What is the sum of these 100 integers?

(1) The 100th integer is - 55 + 100 = 45; (2) the sum of these 100 integers is (- 54) + (- 53) + (- 52) + (- 1) + 0 + 1 + +(45)=-(1+2+… +54)+(1+2+… +45)=-(46+47+48+49+50+51+52+53+54)=-450.