When a metal ball is immersed in water, its buoyancy is 4N. When it is immersed in kerosene, its buoyancy is ()? 2. Hang an aluminum block under the spring dynamometer, and the indication of the dynamometer is 5N. Immerse half of the aluminum block in water, and the indication of the spring dynamometer is 4N. When the aluminum block is immersed in water, the indication of the spring dynamometer is (), and the buoyancy of the aluminum block is ()?

When a metal ball is immersed in water, its buoyancy is 4N. When it is immersed in kerosene, its buoyancy is ()? 2. Hang an aluminum block under the spring dynamometer, and the indication of the dynamometer is 5N. Immerse half of the aluminum block in water, and the indication of the spring dynamometer is 4N. When the aluminum block is immersed in water, the indication of the spring dynamometer is (), and the buoyancy of the aluminum block is ()?

1. Water density 1g / cm3 / / kerosene density 0.8g/cm3. According to the buoyancy formula F = PGV, the buoyancy ratio of the metal ball in water and kerosene is 5:4. Therefore, the buoyancy of the metal ball in kerosene is 3.2n. 2. According to the buoyancy formula (written above), the buoyancy produced by half the volume of aluminum block is 1n