How much does 250ml pure milk weigh? How many grams?

How much does 250ml pure milk weigh? How many grams?

Under normal temperature and pressure, the specific gravity of water is 1
Because the specific gravity is also called relative density, the specific gravity of solid and liquid is the ratio of the density of the substance to the density of pure water (999.972 kggm3) at 3.98 ℃ under standard atmospheric pressure. Why to take the density of pure water at 3.98 ℃ as the benchmark is because the density of pure water is the highest at 3.98 ℃ (roughly speaking, 3.98 ℃ is approximately regarded as 4 ℃)
Then, when the temperature is 4 ℃, the density of water is 999.972 kg / m3, so the specific gravity is 1
When the temperature is higher than 4 ℃, the specific gravity is less than 1
When the temperature is lower than 4 ℃, the volume of water expands and the density becomes smaller, so the specific gravity is less than 1
The specific gravity of normal milk is between 1.028 and 1.033 at 20 ℃
So, more than half a catty, 257 ~ 258.25g